46 巻
1987-01-31 発行
ISSN : 0437-5564
発行元 : 広島大学文学部
On Syusyōten (朱声点) and Tenpatsu (点発) in Heian-chūki-Ten (平安中期点) of the Kobunshōjo (古文尚書)
原 卓志
PP. 32 - 61
A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VII)
桂 紹隆
PP. 46 - 65
Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa on the number abhedaikatvasaṁkhyā
PP. 66 - 82
A note on the problem of shrinking of the cultivation of sugar plantations in Java at the end of 1910s
PP. 103 - 124
The Changing Process of a Mountain Village in Heavy Snowfall Japan, with Particular Reference to the Reorganization of Common Forest : A Case Study of Oshirakawashinden in Irihirose-Mura, Niigata Pref.
PP. 125 - 154
The Hermeneutic Code and the Symbolic Code of Troilus and Cressida
中村 裕英
PP. 251 - 271