The Hiroshima University studies, Faculty of Letters
Volume 44
Date of Issue:1984-12-24
current number
ISSN : 0437-5564
Publisher : 広島大学文学部
On the acceptance of Ruisho (類書) in the Irohajiruishō (色葉字類抄)
Hara Takuji
PP. 1 - 33
A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VI)
Katsura Shoryu
PP. 43 - 74
Kauṇḍabhaṭṭ on the meaning of the negative particle naÑ
PP. 75 - 97
William Styron's Sophie's Choice : Choice, Guilt, and Fate
PP. 153 - 175
A Study of the Revenge Theme in Hamlet : From the Viewpoint of the Audience
Nakamura Hirohide
PP. 176 - 198