広島大学文学部紀要 35 巻
1976-01-20 発行

新序・説苑攷 : 説話による思想表現の形式

A study of Xīn-xù (新序) and Shuō-yuàn (説苑)
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This present paper is a study of Xīn-xù (新序) and Shuō-yuàn (説苑IV), books which are reported to have been written by Liú-xiàng (劉向). I have attempted here to investigate a stylistic nature of these two books through analyzing their own language and expression.

Xīn-xù and Shuō-yuàn are composed of two elements, story-telling and commentary. Stories which occupy the greater part of each book can be regarded as Liú-xiàng's adoptation from other classical sources, but commentaries are of his original writing.

It is concluded here that the above-mentioned elements are so systematically integrated as to express his own idea or thought.