Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 2
Issue 46
Date of Issue:1998-03-13
current number
ISSN : 0440-8713
Publisher : Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University
Lonely People and Their Relations with Each Other in Table Number Seven by T. Rattigan
Nakamura Yoshito
PP. 27 - 32
Linear Theory as a Background of Geometric Teaching Materials : Similarity and Similar Transformations
PP. 41 - 49
Activity Classification in Time Budget Research
PP. 103 - 110
A Study on Identity Development by Care-Giving I : An Analysis of the Feelings of Growth and Development by Caregivers to Elders and Their Related Factors.
PP. 111 - 117
A Study of Masticatory Movement by Using the Simple Motion-Picture Method (II) : Reproducibility of the Method and Correlation between Biting Force and Maticatory Movement
PP. 133 - 138
Sensory evaluation of rice flour saccharified solutions subjected to lactic acid fermentation
Tominaga Mihoko Ikawa Yoshiko Sato Kazuyoshi
PP. 139 - 145
Present Situations and Problems of Information Network Environments in the Faculty of Education
Fukada Shozo Hirata Michinori Miyatani Makoto Mizumachi Isao Yorinaga Masataka
PP. 147 - 157
Wie bringt man die Konversation zum Ende?
Ohama Ruiko
PP. 159 - 167