広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 36 号
1987-12-27 発行


Prospect of "Content Science" of School Subject through Schema of Education
806 KB
Content science is a science of educational "content" of school subject. This unfamiliar name of science was advocated at Hiroshima University several years ago to join the educational content of school subject to the background basic sciences. This paper clarifies the position of the content science in the studies of curriculum and instruction, and its relation to the basic sciences.

Although the name, "content science", was advocated, the character and significance of the science have not been defined yet. The reason is that the studies in the content science incline toward some practical and concrete problems of each subject, and the structure behind those problems cannot be noticed enough. The consideration of the prospect through a schema of education in this paper is a structuralistic attempt to define that structure.

On the categorical basis, the concept of education is regarded as relation or function such as:

On a condition of P, E = F (a, b, c)

(P: purpose, E: education, a: tutor, b: pupil, c: media).

As the content science's "content" means the content of the media(c), the content science has the place there. On the other hand, the basic sciences are located apart from education, therefore the content science is not the basic science itself. The content science is formed by making a loop touching those basic sciences. The loop consists of discovering some questions in education(1); looping the basic sciences(2); and feeding back to education(3). The insufficiency of most studies in the content science is that they only pay attention to the (2)-(3) connection and lack the (1)-(2) connection. A (1)-(2)-(3) loop is needed in the content science.