広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 35 号
1986-12-27 発行

言語地図の地図学的考察(その二) : マールブルク大学所蔵の世界の言語地図を観て

A Cartographical study of a linguistic Atlas (No.2) : Observing the Linguistic Atlases collected in the Marburg University
江端 義夫
1.34 MB
While analysing the linguistic atlases of Dutch, English, Northern european, Spanish, Romanian, Italian and French the following points arc found to be significant. (1) The description and explanation on the features of the each linguistic atlas. (2) The features of the linguistic cartography in each language. Through these works it is stressed that WC should seriously discuss the logical inevitability between the linguistic atlases and the daily life in order to promote the linguistic cartography in Japan.