A greeting expression calls forth a response in another's heart. Generally one begins a conversation with a greeting and close it by that. In this paper the author is going to interpret dialect distribution maps of the morning greeting expressions of Chubu District, Japan using the dialect -geographical method. The following results were found; 1. The way of conceptualizing a greeting expression in the morning. 1) There are found in many places greeting expressions that refer to walking up early in the morning. 2) A simplified form of the expression heighten an universal usage in general. 3) A greeting expression which means "Good morning." is rarely found in Chubu District. 4) There are found greeting expressions in some places, expressing the day's weather. 5) We find greeting expressions in some places, relating to one's rising in the morning. 6) Greeting expressions asking the other man's behavior are rarely found. 7) These ordinary order have been decided already when one utter the plural greeting expressions. 2. Honorific expressions of the greeting in the morning. Greeting expressions contain honorifics. In the map 2, we can see the following predicates that mean honorifics. - - - gozansu, - - - gozaisu, - - - san, - - - goisu, - - - gowasu, The field of the study of greeting expressions has barely been touched upon.