広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 25 号
1979-04-05 発行


A Dialect Geographical Study on Dialects of the Ch?bu Area in Japan (I)
江端 義夫
581 KB
In this study I make it my chief aim to bring light on the dialectical situation of Ch?bu Area in Japan and to find out the rules of human language. The Ch?bu Area consists of 9 prefectures (Gifu, Aichi, Nagano, Yamanashi, Shizuoka, Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, N?gata) and its surroundings. Corresponding to the aim above, I have been developing the next processes of the research activities; 1) The 1st Research Activity From 1966 to 1968, I had investigated the dialects of the old and the young by 285 items at the districts of the Aichi prefecture and its surroundings. 2) The 2nd Research Activity For eight months in 1976, I investigated the dialects of the two generations above by 48 items at the Ch?bu Area, and I am now analyzing the results obtained by the investigation. 3) The 3rd Research Activity I will begin the 3rd Research Activity in 1977, and investigate the dialects of the same places on the basis of the results of the 2nd Research Activity. Now, in this paper I tried to interpret the distribution of 'Ari' as one example of the 2nd Research Activity.