広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部 Issue 37
published_at 1988-12-27


Some psychological factors influencing evaluation of composition
Ishida Megumu
468 KB
The present study investigated factors influencing reader's evaluation of composition. The data matrix, collapsed across subjects within cells, was a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 with the factors being writer's attitude toward an editorial (agreeing or disagreeing), writer's preparation for writing a composition (prepared or unprepared), type of composition (supporting or opposing), and reader's attitude toward the editorial (agreeing or disagreeing). Twenty university students rated 5 compositions for each of 8 conditions on 2 general scales and 4 specified scales. The analysis of rating scores revealed that the compositions were rated higher for the agreeing condition (writer's attitude), the opposing condition, and the prepared condition. In addition, the interaction between type of composition and reader's attitude and the interaction between type,of composition and writer's attitude were obtained, providing higher rating when type of composition coincided with reader's attitude as well as writer's attitude. The theoretical implications of these findings were also discussed.
production of composition
comprehension of composition
evaluation of composition
writer's attitude
reader's attitude