哲学 31 号
1979-10-25 発行


Yin-yi (隠逸) at the Close of the Hou-Han (後漢) Dynasty
下見 隆雄
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In the Hou-Han (後漢) dynasty, the Confucianism was employed as an important ideology in the political world. A man of power valued chu-shi (処士) s who were renowned for their Confucian virtue, and often appointed them government officials. But almost always,chu- shis refused such appointments. Some of them got positions as government official affair repeated refusals. So chu-shis had their social positions by means of keeping out of the politics. Consequently, yin-yi (隠逸) s who had dislike to their taking part in politics and wanted to seclude themselves from society also came to be valued in the political world. Chu-shis and yin-yis, though some of them were unable to take reigns of government, got positions of high social status. At the close of the Hou-Han dynasty, we can point out, most of the intellectuals cherished yin-yi ideas.