広島大学総合科学部紀要. I, 地域文化研究 29 巻
2003 発行


Literary activities of Keijo Shurin (20)
朝倉 尚
12.1 MB
This is an examination of the activities of Keijo Shurin(景徐周麟)(1440-1518) in the year 3 of the Entoku(延徳) period(1491). The curtain of this year was opened by the important affair in which Yoshimi Ashikaga(足利義視) who was the present general's father died on January 7. The Daitokuin household(大徳院) in which Keijo resided was changed into the former general Yoshimasa Ashikaga's(足利義政) soul place by this, and its name was changed to "the Jishoin household"(慈照院). The official position of Keijo changed to the chief priest of the Jishoin household from that of the Daitokuin household. In the Zenrin society, there was an occurrence in which Genryu Shuko(彦竜周興) died young at the age of 34. Keijo and Genryu were notable students of Osen Keisan(横川景三). For Keijo, although Genryu was the younger generation, on the other hand, he was also a rival. As for the contacts with the samurai society, he had already established a close relationship with Hosokawa Masakuni(細川政国), in addition he had a close connection with the Takeda family in the Wakasa country(若狭国).