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( 1977-03-31 )
広島大学総合科学部紀要. V, 言語文化研究
Some notes on semantic representation and obligatory control
井上 和子
PP. 1 - 18
Distributional Differences between PPs and Clauses in English
Iwakura Kunihiro
PP. 19 - 42
Rhetorical Decisions in L1 and L2 Writing: How Do Novice Japanese Differ?
Kobayashi Hiroe
PP. 43 - 73
Evolution, Structuralism and Chomsky : An Introduction to Issues involving Rules, Constraints and Universal Grammar in Modern Generative Phonology
Skaer Peter M.
PP. 75 - 101
Number categories and numeral classifiers in Japanese
吉田 光演
PP. 127 - 158
Ein Liebeswerben, einen Brautkuss gibt es nicht"(Myrra Tunas) Frauen schreiben uber Japan(1884-1924)-Eine Vorstellung
Kojima-Ruh Christel
PP. 133 - 125
盧 濤
PP. 159 - 185