3 号
2001-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1344-8625
発行元 : 広島大学文書館設立準備室
<Special Focus>The Days of Four Presidents
羽田 貴史
PP. 1 - 2
<Special Focus>The Academic Reforms in Hiroshima University
竹山 晴夫
PP. 3 - 20
<Special Focus>The Implementation of the Plan for Integration and Transfer of Hiroshima University and the Opening of the Higashi-Hiroshima Campus
頼實 正弘
PP. 21 - 40
<Special Focus>Memories of My 41 Years at Hiroshima University
沖原 豊
PP. 41 - 58
<Special Focus>The De-regulation of the University Chartering Standard and the Response of Hiroshima University
田中 隆荘
PP. 59 - 80
Issues Concerning the Compilation of the New-System University
中野 実
PP. 81 - 89
A Study of SHIGETA Sadakazu and Hiroshima Higher Normal School
菅 真城
PP. 91 - 115