12 巻
2014-03-20 発行
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属心理臨床教育研究センター
The relationship between sweet-liking and personality, with a focus on snacking. <Research Article>
浅岡 聡 兒玉 憲一 尾形 明子
PP. 25 - 37
Effects of social supports on school adjustments among the teacher training course students who had low intention to become a teacher <Research Article>
小山田 暖果 児玉 真樹子 大塚 泰正
PP. 38 - 50
Relation between the ending and the emotional change in a fairy tale in art-therapy on college students <Research Article>
熊野 春菜 石田 弓
PP. 51 - 60
University students' meaning-making for the experience of past school transference <Research Article>
下田 千尋 荻野 美佐子 岡本 祐子
PP. 61 - 76
The empirical examination about a gap of the questionnaire method and the drawing method in mother-child relationship <Research Article>
髙松 優貴 喜田 裕子 石田 弓
PP. 77 - 89
Influence of the dependent personality has on the stress buffering effect of social support <Research Article>
田中 花香理
PP. 90 - 99
Feature of the draw-a-person test in a women's college student's anorexia nervosa tendency <Research Article>
森 優衣 石田 弓
PP. 100 - 113