33 巻
2017-03-01 発行
ISSN : 0911-3231
発行元 : 広島大学保健管理センター
Development of an adaptation scale for university students with developmental disorders (including the tendency): Extraction of the items
岡本 百合 三宅 典恵 永澤 一恵 矢式 寿子 内野 悌司 磯部 典子 黄 正国 池田 龍也 二本松 美里 松原 敏郎 吉原 正治
PP. 1 - 10
Preventive intervention in eating disorders among university students : Utility of BMI and EAT-26 measures
PP. 11 - 15
Relationship between time spend on social media and psychological factors in college students
PP. 17 - 24
Repetition of the same grade, academic leave, and withdrawal of medical students at A university: Using results from University Personality Inventory(UPI)
栗田 智未 前川 伸晃
PP. 25 - 32
Risk management in university mental health: Utility of evaluation sheets
PP. 33 - 37
A Study of Support and Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Developmental disorders: A Questionnaire Survey of Faculty Members of A University
PP. 39 - 50
PP. 61 - 69
Present state and problems of remote note-taking support for students with disabilities in university education
PP. 71 - 76
Report on oral cavity-related troubles of university students judged from dental consultations
日野 孝宗 玉元 由香 岩崎 代利子 小原 勝 日山 亨 吉原 正治
PP. 77 - 82
The role of the Health Service Center in Faculty Development in supporting students
PP. 93 - 101