総合保健科学 Volume 28
published_at 2012-03-31

大学生における摂食障害に関する意識調査 <原著>

What kind of opinion do university students have about eating disorders? <Original Articles>
Sentani Michiko
Yashiki Hisako
Kurita Tomomi
Kojima Nanae
Nihonmatsu Misato
Matsuyama Mariko
Ishihara Reiko
Sugihara Miyuki
Furumoto Naoko
Kunihiro Kanami
Takahashi Ryoko
Yamate Shio
Kouchi Keiko
320 KB
Problems in adolescents and young adults with eating disorders would be a topic in recent years in campus mental health. Eating disorders is an important cause of physical and psychosocial morbidity in young adults. We examined the opinion of eating disorders on university students. We found that many students were dissatisfied with their shape and weight, and interested in dieting, but they understood the importance of mental treatment for eating disorders. Our study suggested that further efforts aim to proffer the information of eating disorders and to improve mental health services.
eating disorders
university students
mental health
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