Bulletin of general health research, Hiroshima University Health Service Center
Volume 27
Date of Issue:2011-03-31
current number
ISSN : 0911-3231
Publisher : Hiroshima University Health Service Center
Management of chemical information system in the university laboratories <Original Articles>
PP. 1 - 8
Pervasive developmental disorders in campus mental health (1) : Background and secondary psychiatric symptoms <Original Articles>
Miyake Yoshie Okamoto Yuri Kurosaki Mitsuhaya Uchino Teiji Isobe Noriko Kurita Tomomi Matsuyama Mariko Ishihara Reiko Sugihara Miyuki Furumoto Naoko Yashiki Hisako Kunihiro Kanami Nihonmatsu Misato Yamate Shio Kouchi Keiko Hiyama Toru Yokosaki Yasuyuki Yoshihara Masaharu
PP. 9 - 14
Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Campus Mental Health (2) : Changes of secondary symptoms and approaches from a point of view of resilience <Original Articles>
Okamoto Yuri Miyake Yoshie Kurosaki Mitsuhaya Yashiki Hisako Uchino Teiji Isobe Noriko Kurita Tomomi Nihonmatsu Misato Matsuyama Mariko Ishihara Reiko Sugihara Miyuki Furumoto Naoko Kunihiro Kanami Kouchi Keiko Yamate Shio Yokosaki Yasuyuki Hiyama Toru Yamawaki Shigeto Yoshihara Masaharu
PP. 15 - 22
Recent Characteristics in the Student Counseling Service of the Counseling Section in the 2005-2009 Academic Year <Brief Report>
Uchino Teiji Isobe Noriko Kurita Tomomi Hayashi Masako Oshima Hirotoshi Hirotsu Yuki Suenaga Shuji Ishihara Katsuhide Nihonmatsu Misato
PP. 49 - 57
The image of the change that the good communication university students think about brings. <Brief Report>
Kurita Tomomi Uchino Teiji Isobe Noriko Okamoto Yuri Kurosaki Mitsuhaya Miyake Yoshie Hayashi Masako Hirotsu Yuki Nihonmatsu Misato Yoshihara Masaharu
PP. 65 - 71
Study of informational support for students with disability in higher education : the Case of Hiroshima University <Brief Report>
PP. 81 - 89
PP. 99 - 102