7 号
2018-03-10 発行
発行元 : 広島古代史研究会(旧下向井研究室),
PP. -
"最近世" used in the Japanese histoty in Taisho and the Showa first term
坂本 賞三
PP. 1 - 14
Conversion to the fiscal structure of Ocho-kokka (王朝国家) and the several stages of the Saiin (斎院) purification ceremony Kamo (賀茂) festival charge (斎院禊祭料)
PP. 15 - 53
A sense of beauty of Heian aristocracy: Birei (美麗) and Yubi (優美)
曽我 良成
PP. 54 - 70
About Mitani-ho(三谷保) of Bingo(備後)
星野 公克
PP. 71 - 80
A tentative assumption about the Establishment of Daijin Taikyo (大臣大饗)
PP. 81 - 95
Natural Disaster, and the People and a Nation: Over the Riot of Mutsu Province Depths County in the 9th century
PP. 96 - 104
About Iwakuni Clan (岩国氏) as The servant of Taira Clan (平氏)
齋藤 拓海
PP. 105 - 118
Extraordinary Sumo (相撲) Courtesy: Sumo of Warawa (童), Takiguchi (瀧口), and Kuroudo-dokoro-syu (蔵人所衆)
山本 佳奈
PP. 119 - 131
Kamosai-Keigo (賀茂祭警固) and Kannari-no-jin (雷鳴陣): The Guard of the Imperial Palace Protecting the Emperor from God of Curse
横田 美緒
PP. 132 - 145
An excavation investigation and basic considerations of the remains of Okuyama (奥山) iron manufacturing in Miyoshi (三次) city
平元 克弥
PP. 146 - 158
A fundamental research on development of earthquake countermeasure in the 9th century
弘胤 佑
PP. 159 - 179
Is the last name unknown Tametoki (為時) in July 20, Kannin 3 (AD 1019), Ochi-no-Tametoki (越智為時)?
PP. 180 - 189
About a reading and notation of the name of the historical person
宇根 俊範
PP. 190 - 191
The list of correspondence between ancient earthquake and earthquake of near-modem 100 years
弘胤 佑
PP. 206 - 192