47 号
2015-03 発行
発行元 : 広島大学高等教育研究
ISSN : 0302-0142
<Special Issue: In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Kazuyuki KITAMURA>
PP. 1 - 3
<Special Issue: In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Kazuyuki KITAMURA>
PP. 4 - 26
<Special Issue: In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Kazuyuki KITAMURA>
有本 章
PP. 33 - 43
<Special Issue: In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Kazuyuki KITAMURA>
金子 元久
PP. 44 - 56
Issues of Japanese Graduate Education After the Politics of Expansion <Article>
PP. 57 - 72
Expert Knowledge and Policy-making : Reflections on Higher Education Research <Article>
小方 直幸
PP. 73 - 88
Re-examination of the Teaching-oriented Faculties : Focusing on the Faculties at the Low-prestige Universities <Article>
葛城 浩一
PP. 89 - 104
Brain Gain / Circulation Policy and International Student Policy in Korea : In Light of its Migration Policy and Implications for Japan <Article>
佐藤 由利子
PP. 105 - 120
Comparative Study of Learning and Student Experiences of Japanese and Korean College Students <Article>
山田 礼子
PP. 121 - 136
Public College Tuition and State Student Aid Policy in the United States of America : The Case of Pennsylvania <Article>
PP. 137 - 152
Management Strategies of Public University Corporation by Local Governments : Focus on Management Expenses Grants in Mid-Term Plan <Article>
渡部 芳栄
PP. 153 - 168
A Study of Student Engagement : the Development of the National Survey of Student Engagement in the United States <Note>
相原 総一郎
PP. 169 - 184
Alumni Services at Japanese Universities : the Present State and Issues Based on a Nationwide Survey <Note>
大川 一毅 嶌田 敏行 山下 泰弘 西出 順郎
PP. 185 - 200
Consideration of the Contribution Risk of Disputable Research Material and Fostering Researchers <Note>
北垣 郁雄
PP. 201 - 214
Human Resource Development for Local Development in Indonesian Universities Focusing on Student Service Learning (kuliah kerja nyata or KKN) <Note>
PP. 215 - 230