The Bulletin of the Center for Research on Regional Economic Systems, the Graduate School of Social Science, Hiroshima University
Issue 19
Date of Issue:2008-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1884-7455
Publisher : Center for Research on Regional Economic Systems, The Graduate School of Social Science, Hiroshima University
Inter-Regional Migration and Income Transfer Arising from Entrance into University
Yoshimura Hiroshi
PP. 3 - 24
Input-Output Analysis of Induced Economic Effects and Environmental Burden on Okayama Prefectural Economy
Koretomo Shuzi Shinke Tomonori Abe Hirofumi
PP. 25 - 36
Building of Regional Econometric Input-Output Model in Chugoku Region : Economic Outlook for the Year 2030
Morioka Takashi Otsuka Akihiro
PP. 37 - 58
Promotion of Consciousness Reform of Staff of Local Government from 'Duties Improvement Activities' Approach : Development of Framework for Deploying the Activities Based on Realities and Traits of a Taxation Organization
Kodera Junichi
PP. 59 - 76