12 号
2001-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1884-7455
発行元 : 広島大学大学院社会科学研究科附属地域経済システム研究センター
The Industrial Cluster and Its Challenges in Hiroshima Prefecture
金原 達夫 榎本 悟 目代 武史
PP. 3 - 15
Trends in Retailing in Municipalities of Chugoku and Shikoku Regions : An Empirical Analysis Using Data from Census of Commerce for 1988-1997
阿部 宏史
PP. 17 - 27
Some types of Graph for industrial network in Japan with IO data
PP. 29 - 53
Sustainable Tourism Development and its Comparative analyses among Developing Countries
戸田 常一 齋藤 英智
PP. 55 - 64
Construction of Information Systems in Center for Research on Regional Economic Systems
茅嶋 孝大 辻本 勝久
PP. 65 - 80
Correlates of Customer Satisfaction and the Regional Retailer : The case of a small size of retailer in the city of Higashi-Hiroshima
進藤 綾子 戸梶 亜紀彦
PP. 81 - 92
The outflow of young people from hilly and mountainous area as a factor of the breakdown of regional economy and the level of satisfaction in their living : Investigation of the indispensable psycho-social and economic factors for the endogenous development in the neighboring region of Miyoshi-city
加藤 芳朗 戸梶 亜紀彦
PP. 93 - 108
Mobility of People and Industrial Location : From a Viewpoint of Regional Economy and Employment
香川 敏幸 伊藤 裕一
PP. 109 - 120
Trans-European Networks and New Economic Zone in Europe : Rotterdam-Berlin-Warsaw-Moscow Route
香川 敏幸 黒木 英聡 末広 多親子
PP. 121 - 131