プロピレア 6 号
1994-12-25 発行

日本語と現代ギリシア語の天候に関する諺対照研究(2) : 天候と生活 <論文>

A Contrastive Study on the Proverbs Mentioning Weather in Japanese and Modern Greek (2) : Weather and Life <ARTICLES>
浮田 三郎
371 KB
The aim of this paper is to clarify characteristics of proverbs mentioning the weather, through contrastive analysis of expressions and their background in Japanese and modern Greek.

In this analysis I have pointed out the similarities and differences between attitudes towards rain, a fine day and the hot sun of the two countries.

Generally speaking, one of the characteristics of expressions in this comparison is that Japanese proverbs are much concerned with agriculture, while proverbs in modern Greek are mainly concerned with stock-farming.

In Japanese proverbs the four seasons are mentioned but in modern Greek proverbs summer and winter are mainly mentioned and a few interesting proverbs mention spring rain.

There are many Japanese proverbs mentioning the preference of a fine day, but not so many in modern Greek. In modern Greek we find many proverbs mentioning their hope for the rain in good timing as compared to Japanese proverbs.

In either language, naturally, there are many proverbs saying that excessive rain is not welcome, but that the rain is needed or welcome in good timing.
Copyright (c) 1994 ギリシア語・文学研究会