3 巻
1 号
2003-11-28 発行
ISSN : 1347-7323
発行元 : 広島大学保健学出版会
Structured review of the literature of type 2 diabetes self-management: Toward the development of a patients' characteristics-based assessment tool
中野 真寿美 森山 美知子 西山 美香 松井 美帆
PP. 1 - 12
The effect of “Approach for Encouraging Patients' Initiative" for patients with unilateral spatial neglect
安東 圭彦 八田 達夫 鎌倉 矩子
PP. 13 - 20
Finding a physical environment desirable for elderly residential facilities : A survey of the literature
久野 真矢 清水 一
PP. 21 - 36
Notable signs observed in the growth process of “siblings" of handicapped children : their cause and mother's care of ""siblings"
立山 清美 立山 順一 宮前 珠子
PP. 37 - 45
Characteristics of breast cancer support groups within hospitals in Japan
溝口 全子 片岡 健
PP. 46 - 54
Reliability and validity of a screening questionnaire for child abuse potential risk by mother's parenting
花田 裕子 小西 美智子
PP. 55 - 62
Tabusadani Mitsuru Ohno Michiko Liu Dian Yu Sekikawa Kiyokazu Kawaguchi Kotaro Onari Kiyoshi
PP. 63 - 68
Muscle oxygenation trend in patients with hypertensive type 2 diabetes mellitus
劉 殿玉 王 国祥 髻谷 満 関川 清一 川口 浩太郎 大成 浄志
PP. 69 - 74