8 巻
1 号
1969-07-30 発行
PP. -
Studies on the usefulness fo the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus rafinesque, as an experimental standard animal : I. On the breeding habits
中村 中六 笹原 正五郎 矢田 敏晃
PP. 1 - 11
Studies on the growth of pasturage crops on the soils with accumulated manganese : III. Effects of calcium silicate application on the elution of manfanese from soil and the growth of pasturage crops
尾形 昭逸
PP. 13 - 20
Organization, margin and cost marketing of jananese cattle
小野 茂樹
PP. 21 - 56
Auction market of Japanese cattle : Its socio-economic history
小野 茂樹
PP. 57 - 76