Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 49 Issue 3
published_at 2000-09

Results of Filtering Surgery in Young Patients with Aniridia

Okada Koji
Mishima Hiromu K.
Masumoto Makiko
Tsumamoto Yuichi
Tsukamoto Hidetoshi
Takamatsu Michiya
368 KB
To evaluate whether filtering surgery is effective in controlling the intraocular pressure of young aniridic patients with glaucoma, we retrospectively reviewed the charts of aniridic patients with glaucoma under the age of 40 years. We defined a good intraocular pressure control period as the time from surgery until IOP exceeded 20 mm Hg, with or without glaucoma medication. Twenty filtering surgeries (17 trabeculectomies and 3 trabeculectomies with mitomycin C) were performed on 10 eyes in 6 patients for more than 20 years. The mean good intraocular pressure control period after the filtering surgery was 14.6 months (range, 2 to 54 months). Aside from mild choroidal detachment, no other serious complications were encountered. We believe that filtering surgery is efficacious for control of intraocular pressure of young aniridic patients with glaucoma.
Filtering surgery
Mitomycin C