23 号
2013-03-15 発行
ISSN : 1347-7226
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科日本語教育学プログラム
Positioning Japanese Language Education in US & German Universities
倉地 暁美
PP. 1 - 8
Regeneration of common 'knowledge' in the age of globalization: Local 'knowledge' and revival of living 'Kyoyo'
PP. 9 - 16
Honorific Form Usage in Amami-Oshima Tatsugo-cho Ura Dialect Focusing on Human Relations
重野 裕美
PP. 17 - 24
A Study of the Second Type of the Negative Question -naika and -nodewanaik
西嶋 千恵 白川 博之
PP. 25 - 32
PP. 33 - 40
The "Jyo (Nasake)" of Samurai in Heike monogatari
于 君
PP. 48 - 41