Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum
Issue 3
Date of Issue:2011-12-25
current number
PRINT ISSN : 1884-4243
ONLINE ISSN : 1884-3999
Publisher : Hiroshima University Museum
Caridean shrimps associated with the rhizostome jellyfish Netrostoma setouchiana in the central part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan <Article>
Ohtsuka Susumu Kondo Yusuke Iwasaki Sadaharu Hayashi Ken-Ichi
PP. 1 - 6
Conservation and changes of flight behavior in Luehdorfia japonica (Papilionidae, Lepidoptera) at the Ege-san Municipal Park in Hiroshima City : Significance of a huge TV-tower <Article>
Kameyama Takeshi Watanabe Kazuo
PP. 7 - 22
A physical geography curriculum related to a historical road : A case study of the Nakasendo highway in the Kanto Plain <Article>
PP. 31 - 44
Current state of aquatic animals sold as sport fishing bait in Western Japan <Article>
Saito Hidetoshi Niwa Nobuaki Kawai Koichiro Imabayashi Hiromichi
PP. 45 - 57
Years of construction and ornamental details of shrines and temples in Tomonoura, Fukuyama <Article>
PP. 59 - 71
Starch on stone tools at the Nishitaragasako site, Kagoshima, Japan, and its plant utilization in the Upper Palaeolithic period <Article>
Shibutani Ayako
PP. 73 - 88
Characteristics of the spectators watching Tokunoshima Island's bullfighting event and scope for tourism <Short Report>
PP. 89 - 96
Current status of the mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus (family: Gobiidae) in Hiroshima Prefecture, Seto Inland Sea, Japan <Short Report>
Shimizu Norio Naito Junichi Ohtsuka Susumu Sakai Yoichi Hashimoto Hiroaki
PP. 97 - 102
Notes on Geological and Paleontological Specimens stored in the Hiroshima University Museum : that had been exhibited in the local museum in "Hiroshima Castle" from 1958~1989 <Data>
Okimura Yuji Shimizu Norio
PP. 103 - 111
Results of a Questionnaire for Visitors to the Fourth Special Exhibition, "A Natural Blessing of Satoyama: the World Coexisting with Biodiversity" <Data>
Hashimoto Chika
PP. 129 - 134
Munafuda of Uzu Shrine in Osaki-Shimojima, Ocho, Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture <Data>
Yamaguchi Yoshimi
PP. 135 - 156
Space-time Photo Gallery of Japan between 1930 and 2010 : Past and Present of Streetscape and Landmark <Review>
PP. 157 - 158