広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 58 号
2009-12-25 発行


Effect of Environmental Context on False Recognition Using DRM Paradigm
山田 恭子
356 KB
The influence of environmental context on false recognition was investigated by using DRM lists. These lists consisted of items that were associated with lure items however, lure items were not presented in the study session. Eight auditory, to-beremembered lists were presented to the participants in the study session, and the participants were asked to judge how imaginable the items were. The following day, participants engaged in a word recognition test that included the studied items and lure items either in the same room as the study session, or in a different room. The items were presented visually on a computer display. Reinstatement of the environmental context increased false recognition only. These results indicate that the reinstatement of the environmental context facilitates false recognition.
environmental context dependent memory effect
false recognition
DRM paradigm