5 号
2004-02-27 発行
ISSN : 1346-1567
発行元 : アジア社会文化研究会
PP. -
Field Note <Special Topics>
崔 吉城
PP. 1 - 11
Retrospecting The Academic Words of Dr. Choe <Special Topics>
尹 光鳳
PP. 12 - 17
PP. 18 - 30
KOKUGO education and radio "KOKUGO-Kouza" program <Articles>
上田 崇仁
PP. 31 - 43
The value of "Fu-wen" in Studies of the Kinship in Taiwan <Articles>
上水流 久彦
PP. 44 - 68
The Road to the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration <Articles>
福原 裕二
PP. 69 - 96
A Study on the Ritual for the War Dead in the Korean National Cemetery <Articles>
池 映任
PP. 97 - 123
PP. 146 - 166
The Japan-US-Taiwan Relations in the 1950s and Taiwan's Holdings of the Political and Economic Historical Archives <Notes on Research>
PP. 167 - 180
PP. 182 - 193