13 号
2004-03 発行
ISSN : 0915-5449
発行元 : 広島大学総合地誌研究資料センター
Location Pattern of Sales Branches of Large Companies in India and its Relationship to the Hierarchical Differentiation of Cities
日野 正輝
PP. 1 - 25
Gemeinde- und Bezirksverfassung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Deutschland
森川 洋
PP. 27 - 52
Everyday Life, Attitudes, and Living Conditions of Turkish People in Berlin, Germany : An Interpretation of Research Conducted by the Commissioner of Foreigners' Affairs of Berlin
山本 健兒
PP. 53 - 82
Wholesale Markets of Agricultural Produce in Karnataka State, India : Analysis of Size, Location and Monthly Arrivals and Prices
荒木 一視
PP. 83 - 108
Vegetation and Socio-economic Structure in Kake-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture
渡邉 園子 中越 信和
PP. 109 - 118
Contents of the Lecture “Introduction to Regional Geography" in Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University
岩田 修二
PP. 119 - 134