史學研究 Issue 190
published_at 1990-10-01

一九五〇年代における章乃器の言論活動とその挫折 : 「百花斉放・百家争鳴」から「反右派闘争」へ

Chang Nai-ch'i[章乃器]'s criticism and his frustration in 1950's : from "The Hundred Flowers Campign" to "The Anti-Rightist Campaign"
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In May, 1957, a lot of intellectuals began to claim for democracy eagerly and these are called "The Hundred Flowers Campaign". This campaign arose in order to answer a demand by China Communist Party (CCP). In June, however, the situation was quite changed; Some intellectuals, who condemned CCP, was oppressed strictly as "Rightist" by CCP ("The Anti-Rightist Champaign").

Generally speaking, as it has been said that the analysis of this process would reveal one of the characteristic of contemporary China, so a lot of studies about it has done. Most of them, however, has only taken the focus on making clear the factor of change in CCP. And even in case of analyzing the intellectuals who asked for democracy, they concentrated all the interests on discussion of their political reform.

Therefore, I chose Chang Na-ch'i [章乃器] in this thesis, who spoke about businessmen in 1957. (Chang Nai-ch'i [1897-1977]; he was Vice chairman of All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Minister of Food, Vice chairman of Democratic National Consultive Association.... and so on.) When I wrote it, I emphasized next three point; (1) background of Chang Nai-ch'i's criticism and its characteristic, (2) limit of his activity and its cause, (3) historical meaning of CCP's criticism for him.