Hiroshima interdisciplinary studies in the humanities Volume 18
published_at 2023-03-31

Reading and Deciphering the Problems of Modern Japanese Youth from Hojo Tokiyuki's Lecture "The Scholar activity of Shin-Doku"

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"Kyu-Chou-Kan" was established in the 1880’s for young people from Kaga, Noto and Ecchu Provinces to study in Tokyo. It was a co-managed dormitory, and its boarders are not only trained themselves in their daily lives, but also invited experts to give lectures on a regular basis.HOJO Tokiyuki, an educator from Ishikawa who was a talented person that taught at various upper secondary schools, also a leading member and speaker at the founding of "Kyu-Chou-Kan”. The lecture meeting called ‘Icchi-kai’ was temporarily suspended, but it was later decided to re-open it after HOJO gave a lecture to his juniors in 1889. The purpose of this article is to clarify the urban life and way of thinking of the young people at that time, by using the lecture contents that impressed the young people who were called ‘shosei’ and aspired to study in those days.
Educational effect
Scholar activity
HOJO Tokiyuki
Alumni association