広島大学教育学部紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 49
published_at 2001-02-28


A review of studies on persuasion in Japan (2)
Kimura Kenichi
Makino Koshi
Higuchi Masataka
Harada Kotaro
Yamaura Kazuho
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The purpose of this study is to review the studies on persuasion in Japan. An examination has been made of 152 persuasion studies published in Japan-141 journal papers and 11 technical books.

The present study consists of the following five parts.

4. Message variables: (7) discrepancy, (8) ego involvement, (9) other message variables.

5. Recipient variables: (1) gender, (2) age, (3) personality, (4) other recipient variables.

6. Context variables: (1) warning, (2) mood and emotion, (3) distraction, (4) other context variables.

7. Special studies on persuasion: (1) nonverbal cues and persuasive effect, (2) unplanned field experiments, (3) persuasion in mutual persuasive situations, (4) utterances in mutual persuasive situations, (5) persuasion schema and writing opinion essays, (6) role playing and persuasion, (7) effect of linguistic style on persuasion, (8) re-change of attitude.

8. Conclusion. The study has revealed that persuasion studies on most themes except the specific five (fear-threat appeals, psychological reactance, warning, source credibility, and discrepancy) are extremely insufficient in Japan, and that there are eight possible directions in which persuasion studies in Japan should advance in the near future.
message variable
recipient variable
context variable