1 号
1999-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1344-8625
発行元 : 広島大学文書館設立準備室
The Editing University History-Problems and Perspective
寺崎 昌男
PP. 3 - 25
The Recollections of MORITO Tatsuo and Hiroshima University
西村 博
PP. 27 - 47
Think Back to the Old Days : The Edition of 'Hiroshima Daigaku 25 Nenshi'
頼 祺一
PP. 49 - 56
MORITO Tatsuo : His Personality and Thought
PP. 57 - 68
The Reformation for Education in Modern Japan and MORITO Tatsuo
羽田 貴史
PP. 69 - 78
The Bibliographical Introduction of 'MORITO TATSUO KANKEI MONJO'
PP. 79 - 96