14 巻
2 号
2008-10 発行
ISSN : 1343-9111
発行元 : 日本新生児看護学会
Expansion of nurses' role and Neonatal Nursing <Foreword>
PP. 1 -
Clinical forensic medicine and child abuse <Issue>
佐藤 喜宣
PP. 2 - 5
Relationship between mothers with low weight birth baby and Domestic Violence. <Original Article>
藤田 景子 高田 昌代
PP. 6 - 14
Consideration of the needs for continuous nursing care to NICU discharged infants and their mothers. : Interviews of their mothers who lived in a government-decreed city <Report of research>
中澤 貴代
PP. 15 - 23
Developing a family care education program based on NICU nurses' perception. <Report of research>
横尾 京子 中込 さと子 藤本 紗央里
PP. 24 - 29
Seminar on breast feeding for infants admitted to NICU <Committee Report>
NICU入院児の母乳育児支援委員会 横尾 京子 粟野 雅代 岡永 真由美 木下 千鶴 長内 佐斗子 村木 ゆかり 高田 昌代
PP. 30 - 31