A behavioral science framework for understanding kawaii

Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on Kansei 80-83 頁 2010-02-22 発行
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タイトル ( eng )
A behavioral science framework for understanding kawaii
Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on Kansei
開始ページ 80
終了ページ 83
Kawaii is a key concept that characterizes modern Japanese culture. It is often translated into English as “cute," but asubtle difference of nuance exists between the two words. Although many books and articles have been published onthis subject, these discussions are mostly limited to the fields of humanities and sociology. In this paper, I put forward aframework for research on kawaii from a behavioral science perspective. First, I provide an overview of kawaii,including a summary of its dictionary meaning, history, and current usage. Then, I report the results of three surveys ofJapanese university students about their attitudes toward the word kawaii and kawaii things. Based on these findingsand past research, I propose a two-layer model of kawaii. This model postulates that the basis of kawaii is a positiveemotion related to the social motivation of protecting and nurturing others, which originally stems from affectiontoward babies and infants. It also assumes that this culture-independent, biological trait has been amplified by certaincharacteristics of Japanese culture. I conclude by discussing future directions for behavioral science research of kawaii.
baby schema
cultural differences
The Third International Workshop on Kansei; February 22 and 23, 2010; Seminar room 1 & 2, ACROSS Fukuoka, Fukuoka-city, Japan
心理学 [ 140 ]
資源タイプ 会議発表論文
Editorial comittee of the third international workshop on Kansei
発行日 2010-02-22
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[URI] http://psycho.hes.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~lab_miura/Kansei/ws2010/