広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 総合科学研究 Volume 3
published_at 2022-12-31

エジプトとの国交断絶にいたるまでの中華民国政府による報道について : 中国国民党機関紙『中央日報』を用いて

Reports by the Government of the Republic of China Leading up to the Breakdown of Diplomatic Relations with Egypt: Using the Central Daily News, the Official Journal of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang)
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This paper examines the period from the late 1930s to the breakdown of diplomatic relations between the Egyptian and ROC governments in 1956 using the Kuomintang’s (KMT’s) official newspaper, the Central Daily News. Changes in the media coverage of diplomatic relations between Egypt and the ROC government were analyzed. The analysis was of the period after the establishment of the Egyptian consulate in Cairo in 1934 to after the ROC government’s transfer of power from the mainland to Taiwan in 1949.
The report also analyzed the Central Daily News coverage of the ROC government’s cessation of diplomatic relations with Egypt, comparing it with other newspapers. During the severance of diplomatic relations between the ROC government and Egypt in 1956, the Central Daily News did not urge the ROC government to reconsider its foreign policy before the rupture or report on the imminent threat of a split, unlike other privately owned newspapers.
This study concludes that this was a sign of the ROC government’s defensive stance in its policy toward Egypt. Moreover, the newspaper intended to avoid provoking public criticism in Taiwan by withholding unnecessary information from the public.
press reporting
diplomatic severance
government bulletins
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