The Hiroshima Law Journal
Volume 27
Issue 2
Date of Issue:2003-11-30
current number
ISSN : 0386-5010
(The Society of Law of Hiroshima University)
PP. 25 - 61
Good Faith in International Contract Law
Hirata Hayato
PP. 63 - 94
Homestay Tour and Package Travel Contract
PP. 95 - 110
Constructive Dismissal Theory (2)
PP. 111 - 136
A propos du conflit de lois determinant l'absence de personalite moral
PP. 137 - 167
Die Beteiligung der Sachverstandigen an der Vorbereitung des Haupttermins und der Schutz der Parteirechte
Sonoda Kenji
PP. 169 - 191
Rights and Interests of the Coastal States in High Sea Fisheries(2)
Mizukami Chiyuki
PP. 193 - 216
John Rocke's prudent policy on the Dissenters-Comprehension and Toleration-
PP. 217 - 238
The Harmful Effects of a Medicine and Criminal Liability of the Top Executives of a Pharmaceutical Company -In Relation to the AIDS-Case in Midori-Juji-Route-
Kai Katsunori
PP. 239 - 254
Declining Birth Rate and Modification of Family Norms in Contemporary Japanese Society
PP. 255 - 283
Judicial Election and Free Speech in the United States
Iwakura Hideki
PP. 285 - 330
The US-China Ambassadorial Talks in 1958 and the US Effort to Prevent the 3rd Taiwan Strait Crisis
PP. 331 - 348
The Prohibition of Gathering Sea Sands in Hiroshima (1)
PP. 349 - 359
EC-Report on the Implementation of Directive 90/314/EEC on Package Travel and Holiday Tours in the Domestic Legislation of EC Member States,SEC(1999)final
PP. 361 - 375
Verwaltungspraxis der Stadtgestaltung in der Stadt Freiburg i.Br.(1)
Noro Mituru Sheller Andreas
PP. 377 - 383