広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 42 号
1994-03-10 発行

「調べてつくる」家庭科の紙芝居製作指導 : 5年間の実践とその評価

Making the Kamishibai in Home Economics Teaching : The Practice and Evaluation for Five Years
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From the year 1987 to '91, the students of home economics education classes in Saga Women's Junior College made many Kamishibai on the daily living problems. The perpose of this study was to investigate the effects of making the Kamishibai in home economics learning. The results were as follows:

(1) The college students made 120 species of Kamishibai on the problems of food additives, environmental disruption, and so on.

(2) They placed high value on making Kamishibai because they had much practical knowledge on the daily living.

(3) The high school students who had seen the Kamishibai rated it high.

(4) The learning on the problems of daily living by means of making Kamishibai was effective, but the only thing against it was to need much time.