広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 Issue 41
published_at 1993-03-05

現代体育教授学の構想と展望(II) : スポーツ教育の周辺と中核

Imagination and Trend on Physical Education Didactics (2) : Surrounding and Principal cause in Sports Education
Matsuoka Shigenobu
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The Imagination and trend on the didactic of physical education were discussed from the view points of the theory of Dr. Yoshimoto's Modern General Didactic in Japan and the conditions of school physical education.

The conditions of Japanese school physical education system was too different from another subjects in Japanes School not only outcalss actibities but the subject system structure. Because Japanese physical education actibities are constructed three types, physical education actibities (theory and practise), Health Learning and the duty or Free optional sports club actibities. Rsults are as follow;

1) The subject of school physical education was not recognized as good subject and good role for all teachers, pupils and their parients. Because the subject has not clear purposes.

2) Generally, The roles and functions of physical education actibities or sports actibities were accept for movement development and health of human health, however the roles and function of the subject of school physical education have not consent to the thoughts of physical education teachers and sports instructor. Dr. Satoh made the suggestive opinions of Self Organization Theory.

3) That theory have a capacity to develop spcially Janese system theory, totality and soft-system for human actibities and social actibities.

4) We must clear cut the conditions in school sports education. According to the conditional discussion, the theory of Dr. Yoshimoto's didacics have several questions in physical education area.