広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 41 号
1993-03-05 発行

日本語授業の診断 : 教師のフィードバック行動を中心に

Analyzing Teacher Feedback Behaviors in Japanese Language Classes on the Base of Counselling
縫部 義憲
661 KB
Teacher leadership can be divided into two functions: performance functions and maintenance functions. I studied the latter in the present article. One of the central issues of maintenance functions is facilitative teacher feedback behaviors, which are subdivided into six components derived from counselling called 'encounter group.' They are 1. active listening, 2. clarification, 3. repetition, 4.support, 5. acceptance and 6. questioning. . I transcribed all the utterances in my five 90 minute-Japanese language classes taught in a humanistic way and tried to analyze feedback behaviors according to them and to study error correction on the basis of them from the standpoint of counselling.

Moreover, I classified all the students' utterances into four: mechanical, meaningful, communicative and self-disclosing. My hypothesis is this: the more communicative and humanistic teaching is, the more communicative and self-disclosing utterances will increase and the less mechanical and meaningful utterances will decrease.