Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 2
Issue 39
Date of Issue:1991-03-20
current number
ISSN : 0440-8713
Publisher : Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University
A Progressive Geographical-Linguistic Study : on the comparative method between the aged and youth group
Ebata Yoshio
PP. 21 - 29
A Study on the Condition of the Curriculum Research and Development in Japan
Matsuoka Shigenobu Okihara Ken
PP. 123 - 130
A Comparison of exercise intensities during play activities, practice and time trial in swimming pool for boys and girls
Kurokawa Takashi Choi TaeHee
PP. 149 - 157
Unfinished Sentences with Kara
PP. 249 - 255