広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部 Issue 25
published_at 1977-04-05

ウィスコンシン大学拡張に関する研究 : 拡張事業の特質をめぐって

A Study of Wisconsin University Extension Work And Its Ideological Base
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This paper is to clarify the features of the University Extension in the University of Wisconsin through examining the educational thought and practices.

This paper consists of the following three sections:

1) The process of founding University Extension

2) The organization of University Extension Division.

3) University Extension work in Wisconsin.

In the first section, the author investigate the plan which President C. R.Van Hise and the Free Library Commission men designed.

In the next section, the author shows that the University Extension Division consisted of four departments: the Correspondence Study Department, the Debating and Pubkic Discussion Department, the Department of Instruction by Lectures and the Department of General Information and Public Welfare.

In the last section, the author analize the work statistically which the Extension Division put into operation.

In conclusion, Wisconsion University Extension was to democratize education, and had characteristic of non-boundaries of the scope in its offerings and the beneficiaries to whom this work appealed. In a word, this meant the birth of the American type of University Extension.