広島大学総合科学部紀要. I, 地域文化研究 Volume 31
published_at 2005

<新青年> 杂志上的 "辛亥革命"

The Arguments for "Xinhai Geming" (the 1911 Revolution) in the magazine "Xin Qingnian" (the New Youth)
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The 1911 revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was founded in 1912. The New Culture Movement (1915-1921) was very significant in the history of the Republic of China. "The New Youth" and it's writers led this movement. They deepened the ideology of sovereignty and fundamental human rights in China. The author discusses the following two questions. 1. How did the magazine argue regarding the 1911 revolution and the Republic on China from 1911 to 1919? 2. What did their conclusions mean in the history of Chinese Democratic thoughts? This essay discusses these two points because their political experience influenced the thought of the intellectuals of that time. The author also tries to draw comparison between their arguments, and the historiography of the revolution based on the Sum-centered orthodoxy which has long been advocated by some scholars in China.