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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 31
( 2005 )
Volume 30
( 2004 )
Volume 29
( 2003 )
Volume 28
( 2002-12-31 )
Volume 27
( 2001-12-31 )
Volume 26
( 2000-12-31 )
Volume 25
( 1999-12-31 )
Volume 24
( 1998-12-28 )
Volume 23
( 1997-12-31 )
Volume 22
( 1996-12-27 )
Volume 21
( 1995-12-31 )
Volume 15
( 1990-02-28 )
Volume 14
( 1989-02-28 )
Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. II, Studies in social sciences
Volume 31
( 2005 )
集落法人の展開と農村社会 : 広島県東広島市の事例
Organization of regional farmings and rural society
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 1 - 27
Subject to new East Asia history-based union for the cause of building world peace
Lee Dong Suk
PP. 29 - 96
Structural change test of processed macro economic data
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 97 - 132
An unsuccessful effort to reverse the polarization of Serbs and Croats in the mid-1920s' Yugoslav State
Zaiki Kazuo
PP. 133 - 202
MAZDA and supplier behavior 2000-2005
Yamazaki Shuji
PP. 203 - 211
Volume 30
( 2004 )
山村における農林業と直接支払い制度 : 広島県三次市布野町の事例
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 1 - 23
景観利益の法的保護要件と効果 : 洛西ニュータウン高層マンション建築事件京都地裁判決に接して
Tomii Toshiyasu
PP. 25 - 47
Zaiki Kazuo
PP. 49 - 118
旧ソ連邦初の原子爆弾開発計画の全体像[補遺] : 最近の出版物から
Ichikawa Hiroshi
PP. 119 - 148
Nakasaka Emiko
PP. 149 - 173
Volume 29
( 2003 )
「スロヴェニア人、クロアチア人、セルビア人の国家」の成立と崩壊 : 1918年のもう一つの南スラヴ人統一国家について
The state of the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs : There was another South Slay State in 1918
Zaiki Kazuo
PP. 1 - 62
Formation of the concept of Association
アキバ セツオ
PP. 63 - 93
The structure of the nonprofit sector revealed from the covariance structure analysis both on the United States and the Japanese nonprofit organizations
Kusakabe Shinichi
PP. 95 - 114
環境政策と産業政策の統合 : ポーター仮説と燃料電池推進政策の検討
The integration of the environmental policy and the industrial policy
Yamazaki Shuji
PP. 115 - 123
An opinion paper: Protection of environment and landscape by law
Tomii Toshiyasu
PP. 125 - 149
An opinion paper : The right to choose the daycare center
Tamura Kazuyuki
PP. 151 - 160
Volume 28
( 2002-12-31 )
On the Initial Development of Atomic Marine Engines in the Former-Soviet Union and Its Problems
Ichikawa Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 33
The Factor Governing the Size of the Nonprofit Sector and the Relative Evaluation of the Size of the Nonprofit Sector in the Japanese Local Prefecture Using the New-index, 'the Regression-based Score (R-Score)'
Kusakabe Shinichi
PP. 35 - 53
Association and Individual Property
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 55 - 89
Automobile Parts Industrial policy : 1980~1990
Yamazaki Syuji
PP. 91 - 96
近現代世界経済重層化の歴史的諸段階(I) : 近現代世界帝国の形成・確立・成熟・衰退・消滅過程
A Study on the Modern Historical Stages of Multi-layered Integration in World Economy (Part 1)
Lee Dong Suk
PP. 97 - 114
Volume 27
( 2001-12-31 )
水稲作経営と営農志向 : 山形県庄内地方の事例
Rice Cropping Management and Farming Orientation
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 1 - 27
Feature of Industrial Network and Input Coefficient in Asia Economy
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 29 - 54
「小泉旋風」下の選挙戦略 : 第19回参議院選挙広島選挙区分析
Election Strategy under KOIZUMI Government
Koike Seiichi
PP. 55 - 90
The Making Process of a Basic Platform Draft of German Social Democratic Party after the Second War
Yasuno Masaaki
PP. 113 - 137
Volume 26
( 2000-12-31 )
Appropriation Based on Labour and Primitive Accumulation
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 1 - 23
一般均衡理論と選択公理 : 経済学と数学の境界問題
Axiom of Choice and General Equilibrium Theory
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 25 - 52
選挙戦略とマスメディア : 第42回衆議院選挙広島選挙区第2・3区を一例に
Media and Election Strategy
Koike Seiichi
PP. 53 - 92
ヨーロッパ統合における第三国国民(third-country nationals)の自由移動
Free Movement of Third-Country Nationals in the European Integration
Nakasaka Emiko
PP. 133 - 165
The Restructuring and Regulation of Automobile Industry in Japan
Yamazaki Shuji
PP. 167 - 174
Volume 25
( 1999-12-31 )
Recent development in coordination of Social Security system in EU
Nakasaka Emiko
PP. 45 - 80
Basic relations between Social Accounts and Walras' Low with some economic identities
Ichihashi Masaru
Ochi Yasuki
Yasutake Koichi
PP. 81 - 107
Volume 24
( 1998-12-28 )
"Ethical Socialism" and "Liveral Socialism" in the postwar Social Democracy in Germany
Yasuno Masaaki
PP. 63 - 112
「保守王国」の変容か? : 第18回参議院広島選挙区分析
Change in the "Kingdom of Conservatism"? : Analysis of the 18th Upper House Elections in the Hiroshima Election district
Koike Seiichi
PP. 113 - 135
山村における家族と地域生活 : 広島県双三郡作木村の事例
Family and Community-life in Mountain Village
Akiba Setsuo
Ishizaka Tokunori
Kirimura Takuji
PP. 137 - 195
Volume 23
( 1997-12-31 )
Repercussion Process Analysis and the Convergence Rate to Leontref's Inverse
Ichihashi Masaru
Iikuni Yoshiaki
Ikeda Hiromi
PP. 1 - 26
Domestic Politic and Domestic Economical Primary Factors Regulating Japan's Foreign Relations before the Manchurian Incident
Koike Seiichi
PP. 27 - 55
Volume 22
( 1996-12-27 )
都市近郊地農民の労働と生活 : 岡山県岡山市藤田地区の事例
Labour and life of suburban farmer
Akiba Setsuo
Ishizaka Tokunori
PP. 1 - 38
現代社会科学の体系化に関する考察 : ライフィズム経済学序説 2
Inquiry into systematization of Contemporary Social Science
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 39 - 91
The movement to establish the platform of the German Social Democratic Party in Schumacher's era
Yasuno Masaaki
PP. 167 - 185
Volume 21
( 1995-12-31 )
Analysis of Industrial Structure by Repercussion Paths Matrix
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 47 - 66
Crisis of the German Social Democratic Party in the First Half of the 1950'.
Yasuno Masaaki
PP. 105 - 157
Japanese Industrial Policy and Automobile Parts Industry (1970-1980)
Yamazaki Shuji
PP. 159 - 174
Volume 15
( 1990-02-28 )
The Logical Construction of Capital Relations
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 19 - 41
バイエルンにおけるドイツ社会民主党とプロテスタント教会の対話集会 1948年
Dialogue between the German Social Democratic Party and the Protestant Church in Bayern 1948
Yasuno Masaaki
PP. 177 - 198
Volume 14
( 1989-02-28 )
「取得法則の転向」と資本関係分析の論理 : 『資本論』ドイツ語第二版と仏語版との対比を通じて
‘Umschlagen des Aneignungsgesetzes' and the Logic of Analysis of Capitalrelation
Akiba Setsuo
PP. 153 - 177