Volume 24
Date of Issue:2023-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1880-8638
Publisher : 広島大学応用倫理学プロジェクト研究センター
The Concept of Rights and Duties as Contents of the Concept of Person in the Period of its Acceptance: The Relation-Dependent Interpretation and the Relation- Prescriptive Interpretation: The Case of Amane Nishi
PP. 1 - 21
Hannah Arendt on the Political
Ishida Michio
PP. 23 - 33
Debatte über die Idee des philosophischen Systems im Deutschen Idealismus Dreifüꞵigkeit des Ideal=Realismus
Yamaguchi Masahiro
PP. 35 - 47
The Birth of Technology and the Concept of “Engineer as Profession”: focusing on “Technologie” by J. Beckmann
Shimazaki Taichi
PP. 49 - 63
A Study of Dōgen: Aiming at Spreading Buddhism and Saving Sentient Beings
Uno Shozo
PP. 65 - 72
Was bedeutet „sich erinnern“? Einige Überlegungen zum Ursprung der Normativität in der hebräischen Bibel
Bienenstock Myriam
PP. 75 - 85