広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 5
published_at 2015-03-26

協同学習を採りいれた外国語活動の授業づくり : 新領域「希望(のぞみ)」との効果的な関連を図る

A Lesson-making of Foreign Language Activities with Collaborative Learning: For an Effective Relationship with New Subject Area "Nozomi"
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The purpose of this study is to relate foreign language activities with new subject are "Nozomi" that our school deals with as an experimental school of MEXT (Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture and Technology), then to report a case study considering how to make lessons so that pupils' learning are deepened without detracting subject area goals as foreign language activities. As an essential point in lesson-making, we developed a course unit taking into two perspectives, that is, "activities with necessity" and "collaborative learning", relating with "interaction with foreign students" for 5th graders. It was revealed that pupils' feelings of "understanding and taking care of others" were nurtured in "Nozomi", pupils themselves found out problems in necessary expressions when they did self-introduction for foreign students in foreign language activities, and they were willing to communicate in communication activities.
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