広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 66
published_at 2017-12-22

教育実践における子どもの認知に着目することの可能性と意義 : 認知の評価と教育構想との関連に焦点をあてて

The Possibilities and the Meanings of Paying Attention to Children’s Cognition in Educational Practices: Focusing on relations between the cognitive assessment and the educational conception
Matsuo Nami
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The purpose of this study is to reveal the possibilities and the meanings of paying attention to children’s cognition in educational practices through pointing out the originality of the approaches of the cognitive neuropsychology. The philosophy of the “Intelligent Testing” which proposed by A. S. Kaufman leaded the development of education oriented assessments. These assessments based on cognitive neuropsychology can provide the evidences for the intervention and instruction. These evidences can contribute the verification of the educational practices. Discrepancy/Consistency Approach is compatible with many kinds of achievement tests. Then in this approach, the inspectors can interpret the clinical information and quantitative data together. We can review whether the present educational practice suit the children’s cognitive characters. Planning has be regarded as important among the 4 cognitive processes, because it has strong connection to the education. PBI program which focus on the planning shows the way to support individual, class and school scale. Planning has noticed again because it become aware of the interaction with executive function. Assessment of planning is expected to contribute to educational conception and promotion the group learning.
Cognitive neuropsychology
Cognitive tests
Educational conception
Discrepancy/Consistency Approach
planning and executive function