広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 56
published_at 2007-12-28

教室におけるダイナミック・アセスメントに関する一考察 : 小学6年生算数「単位量あたりの大きさ」の事例研究を手がかりに

A Study of Dynamic Assessment in the Classroom : Focusing on "quantity per unit volume" in mathematics for six graders
Hirata Tomomi
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The purpose of this research is to consider children's "zone of proximal development" practically. In this research, focusing on "quantity per unit volume", "Dynamic Assessment" were practiced for six graders. Through the dynamic assessment in the whole class situation, 10 children's understanding of "quantity per unit volume" were proceeded, and their "zone of proximal development" were clarified. After that, focusing on 4 children, dynamic assessment were practiced individually. Consequently, they couldn't completely understand "quantity per unit volume", but they became to write the figures and tables, and their "zone of proximal development" were clarified.
zone of proximal development
dynamic assessment
quantity per unit volume