The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic
Issue 15
Date of Issue:2018-03-25
current number
ISSN : 1880-6376
Publisher : Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic, Hiroshima University
Examples of “physis” in Aristotle’s Organon
Takahashi Shogo
PP. 7 - 18
A Study of the Sādhanasamuddeśa of the Vākyapadīya: VP 3.7.148–150—A locus (adhikaraṇa) (1)
PP. 19 - 53
Appearance and Emptiness: A study of the Lta mgur (1)
PP. 55 - 73
Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita on Scriptural Statements: The Confirmation and Authorization of Grammarians’ Theory of dharma by Vedic Thought
Kawamura Yūto
PP. 75 - 90
A Study of the Svataḥprāmāṇyaparīkṣā of the Tattvasaṃgraha (1): Arguments about pramāṇa’s Innate Capacity
Ishimura Suguru
PP. 91 - 158
ヨーガの修行における心の役割 : Anugītā 15 (Mahābhārata 14.30) におけるアラルカ王のヨーガ
Takahashi Kenji
PP. 159 - 171
Thero Ven Randombe Suneetha
PP. 173 - 181
Hui san gui yi ji 会三帰一偈(SP II.42–45) of the Zheng fa hua jing 正法華經 by Zhu Fahu 竺法護
Bai Jinghao
PP. 183 - 202
Shākya mchog ldan on the Classification of the Mādhyamika Subschools
Phag mo Tshe brtan
PP. 203 - 217